29/03/2023 - Good Business Charter | Website Blog | Purple Creative Studio
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Good Business Charter

We are delighted to announce that we have recently become a member of the Good Business Charter.

The Good Business Charter provides a framework of ten pledges which businesses must meet. These pledges cover everything from sustainability, caring for the environment, diversity and employee wellbeing. At Purple we genuinely care about our team and the environment so going through the pledges and making sure we met the objectives was a great way to reflect on what already we do and how we could do it better.

Below are some of the things which we do that we detailed in our accreditation process:

Employee Well Being

Employee well being is at the heart of everything that we do, we have a fantastic team and we want them to feel looked after, supported and valued. Amanda is a trained Mental Health First Aider and we send out weekly emails to measure employee wellbeing and happiness with Friday Pulse. We have recently introduced Annual Volunteer Days for staff to volunteer for a charity doing something for the local community and we actively encourage suggestions and ideas to make our business better.

Environmental Responsibility

We take our responsibility to the environment incredibly seriously, planting a tree for every website launched, to offset our carbon footprint, and we use biomass heating powered by the local sawmill. We actively encourage all staff members and visitors to recycle and we choose suppliers based on their eco credentials which is why we use companies such as Ecotricity and Who Gives a Crap.

Commitment to our Customers and Community

We love where we work and we are incredibly proud of our local community. We like to support cultural events and local charities wherever possible and aim to support as many initiatives as we can. We also like to support our customers becoming ambassadors for the organisations that we work for and try to use their services where we can.

Diversity and Inclusion

We want absolutely everyone to feel welcome at Purple, we have a comprehensive Company Handbook which details a number of policies such as our Menopause Policy and Retirement Age Policy to minimise the possibility of discrimination. We also make sure that recruitment shortlisting is carried out by more than one person and done on merit, not objective criteria to avoid discrimination.

Phil Upton, Managing Director said:

”From the outset, Purple was a people business and it’s not just about our clients but also our great team as happy people are more productive and willingly go the extra mile to deliver extraordinary service. Being that we all generally need to work, we may as well make it a fun environment which also then stimulates creativity. I have never worked with such an amazing group of people before and Purple seems to be a magnet for attracting nice, honest people who I simply enjoy being around… ”

If you are interested in joining and want to chat to us about our journey then give us a call and chat to Amanda or Sarah, or, take a look at the Good Business Charter website, you can start the certification process here.


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