We are finishing our four part mini series with ways you can start the new year with a clean slate digitally, at least!
Begin with your email. If you’re using a web based address, such as yourbusiness@gmail.com, consider upgrading to a professional domain-based email. It’s a simple change that can add credibility to your communications. If you are ready to make the switch, get in touch! We can help you every step of the way and elevate your business.
Next, tackle your storage. Organise files into folders, delete what you no longer need, and free up space for the year ahead. You’ll feel more organised and likely see better performance on your devices - you might even save money!
Whether your business is a one-man band or you have a team, using cloud tools can streamline your work. Things like Google Cloud, Canva, One Drive and iCloud. Many cloud-based tools can be used for free while there could be some aspects that can only be used in a paid version. Meaning that you can work more efficiently while saving some all-important pennies.
Finally, declutter your inbox. Unsubscribe from newsletters you never read, create filters to sort important messages, and update your passwords while you’re at it. Don’t forget to enable two-factor authentication for an extra layer of security.
We hope you have enjoyed this mini series and have found this information helpful for your business but, if you would like further support for website, digital marketing, graphic design or email and cloud then get in touch! 👋