We are delighted to announce that we have been selected by the York & North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership to design and develop their 2021 Annual Report. The annual report collates information detailing the hard work of the LEP team, investments, strategic priorities for the region and celebrates local business success with in depth case studies.
We were invited to bid for this project in March and were thrilled to have been chosen amongst a range of talented and established Yorkshire agencies who were also asked to provide a quote for this project. At Purple we are excited to be involved in ambitious projects that challenge our design and technical capabilities.
In discussing this project, a key commitment for the LEP is to exemplify their strategic commitments to being Greener, Fairer and Stronger. Working with the team at the LEP we have big plans to make this year’s report the most engaging yet and to and live these values. With this in mind the 2021 report is will be:
The LEP had felt that these were shared values as we are also always looking for innovative ways of working and work hard to reduce our carbon footprint through initiatives such as tree planting whenever we launch a new website. This synergy has been a great driver to the project, and we look forward to the launch of the report this summer.