Website Blog | Purple Creative Studio
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17 Jul

Lauren's 1st Purple Birthday!

8 minutes

Wednesday 17 Jul 2024

Purple News

Lauren Stolarski

Happy Purple Birthday to me! 🎉 It’s official, I have been a Purple person for 1 year and I honestly can't believe how fast these last 12 months have gone and just how much I have done and grown.

15 Jul

15 Years of Purple Creative Studio

8 minutes

Monday 15 Jul 2024

Purple News

Phil Upton

"Well they say that time ‘flies when you are having fun…’ and that certainly has been the case for me, the past 15 years have absolutely flashed by!"

Hear from our Managing Director, Phil, as we celebrate our 15th Anniversary.

11 Jul

A new website for Mr Johnson’s

3 minutes

Thursday 11 Jul 2024

Website Projects

Sarah Cook

We're thrilled to announce the launch of a brand-new website for Mr Johnson's. Mr Johnson's are dedicated to providing high-quality small animal food for our beloved pets and they have been perfecting their recipes for over a century.

08 Jul

Back to Basics with Email Marketing: Part 3 - Analytics

7 minutes

Monday 08 Jul 2024

Digital Marketing Tips

Lauren Stolarski

In our previous Back to Basics with Email Marketing blogs, we covered the design and the content of your campaigns, and in our final part, we will be looking at analytics!

03 Jul

A new website for RPM Discs

5 minutes

Wednesday 03 Jul 2024

Website Projects

Sarah Cook

This week we are thrilled to announce the launch of a new eCommerce website for RPM Discs, a record shop based in the heart of Wingate, County Durham. Find out more about the project and take a look at their brand new site!

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