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09 Jun

Maisy's 10th Month at Purple! 🌟

Wednesday 09 Jun 2021

Purple News

Maisy Dinsdale

Wow, it's Maisy's 10th month of being a Purple person and none of us can quite believe how quick that has come around, least of all Maisy!
Read Maisy's blog as she tells us about all the fun and interesting things she's been up to in May!

04 Jun

Blogging Tips: Distributing your Content

Friday 04 Jun 2021

Digital Marketing Tips

Jess Buck

This is the fifth blog post in our Blogging Tips series, and now that we’ve detailed a few useful tips and tricks for the creation of your blog posts, we can move on to discuss the ways to distribute your content, where to share it and how to get it in front of your reader!

14 May

Blogging Tips: How to make your blog post stand out

Friday 14 May 2021

Digital Marketing Tips

Jess Buck

Here we have our fourth instalment in our Blogging Tips series! In our last instalment we talked about blog structure and writing, but that’s not where it ends - there are so many things we can add to a blog post to make it stand out, easier for users to read, and essentially be more successful!

12 May

Maisy's 9th Month at Purple! 😄

Wednesday 12 May 2021

Purple News

Maisy Dinsdale

It has been a major media filled month for Maisy, she been out and about with her camera delving into lots of fun projects and immersing herself in all things post production.

Take a read of today's blog to see what Maisy and her camera have been up to this month 🤩

29 Apr

Blogging Tips: Blog Structure and Writing

Thursday 29 Apr 2021


Jess Buck

This is our third blog post in this Blogging Tips series, and here’s where you can get stuck in with the writing side of things! Now that we’ve discussed the benefits of blogging and mentioned some helpful ways to determine your blog’s focus, we can now start to look at writing the blog post itself...

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