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31 Dec

Purple 2021 Resolutions - Emma and Jess

Thursday 31 Dec 2020

Purple News

Emma Nesham

It's Day 4 of our Purple resolutions series and today we hear from our Digital Marketing dream team with everything they've been up to throughout 2020 and plans for 2021 - with Jess almost fully qualified it's going to be a busy year!

30 Dec

Purple 2021 Resolutions - James, Kieran & George

Wednesday 30 Dec 2020

Purple News

Emma Nesham

Today it's the turn of the Tech Team to share their 2021 resolutions as James, Kieran and George share what 2020 had in store for them and what they have planned for 2021!

29 Dec

Purple 2021 Resolutions - Scarlett and Maisy

Tuesday 29 Dec 2020

Purple News

Emma Nesham

In Day 2 of our resolutons series we hear from Scarlett and Maisy - their 2020 plans may not have gone to plan with holidays cancelled but it sounds like it's been a positive year none the less!

28 Dec

Purple 2021 Resolutions - Phil & Allan

Monday 28 Dec 2020

Purple News

Emma Nesham

Today we're kicking our 2021 New Years Resolutions series off by hearing from Phil and Allan - it sounds like they have a very busy year planned both in and out of the office!

10 Dec

Plan Your 2021 Social Media Strategy!

Thursday 10 Dec 2020

Digital Marketing Tips

Emma Nesham

Today Emma shares her handy guide of where to start when it comes to planning your 2021 social strategy - it doesn't have to be complicated and she has 7 simple tips to get you started!

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