Tuesday 21 Jul 2020
Tech News
Emma Nesham
Way back in February we were over the moon to announce we had just won a very exciting new project, and we are now able to share some of the details!
Friday 17 Jul 2020
Website Projects
Scarlett Macfarlane
The Purple team may be on day 121 of Working from Home(!) but that hasn’t slowed us down. We continue to deliver exceptional websites and todays launch is a perfect example of this and a testament to the hard work of our team in challenging circumstances.
Monday 13 Jul 2020
Jess Buck
We’re always talking about the importance of optimising your website content for Google search to get your website ranking as high as possible, but did you know SEO is also applicable to social media platforms? Keep reading to find out how!
Saturday 04 Jul 2020
Purple News
It feels like it was just 5 minutes ago we were welcoming George to the team as an apprentice Web developer! From educating us on true Yorkshire slang to his constant humming while he works, today we're celebrating George's 1st Purple birthday, the first of many to come! Keep reading to hear what George has been up to so far.
Tuesday 30 Jun 2020
Digital Marketing Tips
Email marketing is an incredibly useful tool, but only if you get it right. And with this need to get it right comes all sorts of theories of how to get the knack of sending out emails. Some are true, others are just downright rubbish.