The UK lockdown has been hard on all of us, whether that’s meant your business has taken a hit, your working routine has changed, or you’ve just experienced a rollercoaster of emotions. We’ve found it hard too - after all, we’re only human and none of us has ever been through something like this before.
However, as we head into week 10 of lockdown it has been lovely to see some signs of normality beginning to return. From being allowed to see 1 person from outside of our households to businesses getting in touch thinking about re-opening. It has been a pleasure to ride this wave of uncertainty alongside our clients, doing everything we can to support them and get them ready for the day when they are able to re-open their doors and welcome customers and teams back.
We’ve been thinking about what we can do to help some more businesses too. During lockdown, we’ve held free webinar sessions and offered free support to those who have needed it most. We’ve been trying to keep you all up to date too, as Jess shared a post on how you could dip your toe into digital marketing as soon as lockdown hit and another on how best to tackle the subject on social media. Now we’re looking to the future and how important it is to make sure businesses are equipped with everything they need to not only reopen but explore new opportunities and reach new customers.
Digital Marketing in a Pandemic
You might think it’s just big household name brands that will be ploughing time and resources into re-launch, but that’s not the case. Last week The Drum published an article which revealed that over 70% of small businesses see marketing as being more important now than ever before. 64% of those surveyed said they were concerned for the future of their businesses and over half plan on altering their marketing strategy to ensure they reach new customers to keep their businesses afloat.
The Drum also shared that over half of all SME’s surveyed felt that digital marketing was more important to their businesses success than traditional marketing methods. Think about it, no one has been out of the house to see billboards or pick up local publications or newspapers due to the lockdown - so those methods just haven’t been having the same impact as they usually would.
Do I need Digital Marketing?
Well, with a huge proportion of small and medium businesses planning to up their marketing efforts, it means that there is a chance you could be left behind. So the short answer is yes. We understand the world of digital marketing can be daunting if you’ve never tried it before with so many questions surrounding the topic. Where do I start? What do I post? How does posting a photo of my desk convert into sales? But it really isn’t as scary once you dive in and give it a go - and we’re here to help you do that.
What are we doing?
The Purple team have had their thinking caps on to come up with a package that will not only get your business ready for re-launch but equip you with the skills you need to continue that success too. Our re-launch package is designed to help any business, whether you employ a team of 10 or it’s just you juggling all of the hats and trying to market your products and services the best you can.
Our digital marketing support is already incredibly flexible, with clients approaching us for help with everything from crafting social media content to writing new content for their websites. In the last few weeks, we have even helped them set up appointment systems and online shops, allowing them to sell directly through social media to soften the blow of lockdown a little and safeguard their staff.
Our relaunch package is designed to be just as flexible, with the added bonus of receiving consultancy and training on how to get your business back on its feet and what to do in the future. Think of it as a toolkit - we’ll help you get your relaunch strategy together and set the ball rolling, then teach you the skills to continue that success in the months ahead. Not only will your business benefit, but your new digital marketing know-how will make your business stand out amongst all of the other SME’s also focusing their time on digital marketing.
There’s no scary contract, and no obligation to stay with us once you have received your support. Utilising the support of a digital marketing agency is supposed to be flexible, to be your marketing team when you need it - and that’s the way we like to be.
What Next?
If you’d like our help, then please just get in touch! Emma and Jess are our digital marketing team and they love nothing more than seeing our clients do well, which is why we’re offering this package. Purple is a small business, just like many others in the area, and we want to do what we can to help them get back on their feet. Drop us an email or give us a call to see how we could help.