Website Blog | Purple Creative Studio
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General News

30 Jan

Should you use AI Generated Content on your website?

4 minutes

Monday 30 Jan 2023

General News

Sarah Cook

Recently my LinkedIn feed has been taken over by people discussing AI generated text which has made me wonder whether the future of copywriting is dead and what this means for website content. Could Al generated copy help clients who struggle writing their content and if so what would the knock on effect be for Search Engine Optimisation?

20 Jan

Business Funding Opportunities 2023

5 minutes

Friday 20 Jan 2023

General News

Jess Buck

It continues to feel like quite a daunting time to be running a business at the moment, but we are sharing some useful funding opportunities that may give your business the support and helping hand it needs.

09 Nov

Recession Marketing

8 minutes

Wednesday 09 Nov 2022

General News

Sarah Cook

It can feel like a scary and a daunting time to be running a business at the moment, we are hardly out of Covid, energy prices are rising, the cost of living is increasing and now the economy is declining with the UK predicted to enter a recession.

04 Oct

Holidays are coming…

4 minutes

Tuesday 04 Oct 2022

General News

Sarah Cook

So, I think it is safe to say that we are now officially in Autumn and whilst you may not want to hear it, Christmas is coming! In fact 38% of people start Christmas shopping in October.

16 Aug

Making the web a little greener

4 minute read

Tuesday 16 Aug 2022

General News

Sarah Cook

When I was having a look on LinkedIn last week I noticed a post by someone suggesting that if you deleted just one image from your website then you were making an environmentally conscious decision to make your website more sustainable. I carried on scrolling my feed, but the post stuck with me and I couldn’t get it out of my head.  Could it really be that simple to make websites greener?  

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